I am a sociocultural anthropologist who focuses on how people experience and respond to environmental change in the western Bolivian highlands. I finished my dissertation at the Department of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia in 2017. My dissertation work, supervised by Gastón Gordillo, explores how people in an agricultural community in the Andean highlands of western Bolivia experience and respond to climate change and other environmental problems and how these experiences and responses are reflected in local politics. I contextualize these environmental problems within other changes occurring across broader geographies, including Bolivia’s rapid economic growth, political transformations, new development projects, and spatial linkages formed by migration to other areas. I also look at how farmers in my field site experience and respond to the explosion of the global quinoa market, which has presented them with new economic opportunities but comes at a time that agricultural land in the area is degraded from overuse and polluted irrigation water.
The next phase of my research will entail tracing out the different trajectories of politics, materials, and infrastructures that met in the recent Lake Poopó disaster, which left Bolivia's second largest lake dry at the end of 2015.

Environmental anthropology
Climate change
Place and space
Affect and the body
Political ecology
Environmental justice
Latin America
Andean indigenous communities
Ph.D. Sociocultural Anthropology
University of British Columbia
B.S. Social Sciences
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
2017 - Canadian Anthropology Society / La Société Canadienne D’Anthropologie (CASCA) Outstanding Graduating Anthropology Student Award
2016 - 2017 - UBC Dept. of Anthropology, PhD Thesis Writing Award
2013 - 2016 - Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
2013 - 2014 - Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Dissertation Fieldwork Grant
2013 - 2014 - Liu Institute for Global Issues, University of British Columbia, Bottom Billion Fieldwork Fund
2013 - 2014 - Faculty of Arts, University of British Columbia, Arts Graduate Research Award
2012 - 2016 - University of British Columbia, Four Year Doctoral Fellowship
2011 - 2012 - University of British Columbia, Graduate Entrance Scholarship
2011 - 2012 - University of British Columbia, International Tuition Award
Current Positions:
2018 - Sessional Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Simon Fraser University.
2018 - Sessional Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Surrey.
Past Positions:
2018 - Sessional Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, University of British Columbia (UBC).
2018 - Sessional Instructor, Anthropology
2011 - 2016 - Teaching Assistant, Department of Anthropology, University of British Columbia (UBC).
2012-2013, 2015-2016 - Teaching Assistant Training Co-Coordinator, Department of Anthropology, UBC.